Reading 1:Is 22:19-23
Responsorial Psalm: Ps 138:1-2, 2-3, 6, 8
Reading 2: Rom 11:33-36
Alleluia: Cf. Mt 16:18
Gospel: Mt 16:13-20
Who do you say that I am? A simple and clear question, but when I realize the weight of these words, this question becomes difficult. When I was teaching in school, I asked the same questions to my students. They answered differently reciting the same definitions from catechism: Jesus is the Lord, Jesus is our Savior, Jesus is the Son of God. They answered like the people from the Gospel. To answer to this question, you need to know Jesus, be in true and deep relationship with Him. Peter knew Jesus, walked with Him, heard His words. This question requires our closeness with Christ, to know Him I must touch Him and be touched by Him. To answer to this question, I must be fulfilled by God, I must have His presence and the experience of His love in my heart. If my experience of God is bigger then my certainty is bigger. If my certainty is bigger then my faith is bigger. If my faith is bigger then my love is bigger. And we know that the love is the most important in our relationship with God. This answer helps me to discover the importance of God in my life, makes my Christian life new. I become a new man, receive a new name and a new mission that God gives me like my way of life. Now I say to you that you are Peter (which means ‘rock’), and upon this rock I will build my church, and all the powers of hell will not conquer it. This mission is to build His Holy Kingdom in this world. Jesus entrusts this mission only for those who know Him. Who do you say that Jesus is? is the question of who you really are and what is the quality of your spiritual life. Because you can know all about Jesus but never meet Him. This question confronts you with your true image of God. Is He the most important for you or He is just a decoration in your life? How do you treat God? Do you live with in Him or outside Him proclaiming that you are Christian but doing nothing to be truly him. Jesus entrusted His Church to Peter, who was the simple fisherman with great heart and strong faith, strong as a rock. He gives us the same responsibility not because of our merits or intelligence but because of our faith in Him. To be the rock you must have a good foundation, you must stay united with Christ, not only on the paper, not on your mouth but especially in your heart.
Father Marcin Cwierz, OSPPE