Jn 19:25-27
A person in pain needs more love, compassion and support. Seeing someone’s suffering, feeling someone's pain in our own hearts, we also can, in a spiritual sense, enter into this suffering, taking it on our own shoulders. Mary, although she did not have to be crucified, nevertheless accompanied Jesus in His pain, allowing her heart to be nailed to the cross. What is significant in today's Gospel is that Jesus not only gives John to Mary, but also entrusts Mary to John. He entrusts him HIs own Mother, the Lady of Sorrows. John's pain becomes part of Mary's life, but similarly Mary's pain become part of John's life. God shares not only his love or goodness, but also his pain and suffering. Receiving them is as important as accepting His grace or mercy. What's the best way to accept them? Just as Mary accepted them: with humility and meekness, with trust and sacrifice. The Mother of Sorrows standing under the cross is a sign that suffering does not bypass anyone, that it is part of our lives, but it is also a sign of God's presence and care for us, because God does not leave anyone alone in the face of suffering. In a moment as difficult as the Passion of Christ on Golgotha, amidst despair and pain, something unique and wonderful is created: a relationship is created, and not just any relationship, but a relationship between a mother and her son. Jesus does not keep his Mother only to himself, but gives Her to us for comfort and support in the moments of our suffering, our Golgotha. This relationship is so strong that it embraces each of us, also giving us support in our sufferings. It is good to know that in our sufferings we can count on someone who is Mother to us, on Mary, who will not abandon us, just as She did not abandon her Son. But there should be no escape from the cross on our part, because Mary is also waiting for our presence, prayer and support in her pain, especially because of those who reject Christ today. She wants to be our Mother not only in moments of joy and success, but also in pain and suffering. Let us try to empathize with Her painful heart, torn by the sword of pain, let us try to see how much She needs our consolation today and let us do everything not to leave our Mother alone with this enormous pain.
Father Marcin Cwierz, OSPPE