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"Jako więc wybrańcy Boży- święci i umiłowani- obleczcie się w serdeczne miłosierdzie, dobroć, pokorę, cichość, cierpliwość," (Kol 3,12)

24 listopada 2023

Polecajmy Panu Bogu na nasze prośby....

Praise the Lord Jesus Christ!

Dear Prayer Warriors,

I just received a petition from Billy P., OFS - member of our Secular Franciscan Fraternity. He is now on Friday at hospital in NYC with his sick godson Alec (serious kidney problems).

Please read following message and pray for Divine healing for Alec:


"Dear Prayer Warriors, please pray for Alec my god son, who is 19 years old and a second-year dental student at Rutgers University. Recently the doctors are concerned that one of his kidneys are severely damaged and his once good kidney is beginning to to show changes."


He is now (on Friday November 24th, 2:30 PM) having test done to determine the extent of the damage!


" Please pray for his complete healing! He is a very good and kind young man who has had a hard life from birth. He was abandoned at birth in China and left to die in the streets, due to being born with a cleft pallet! He had numerous surgeries as a baby to correct his pallet and lip. I know God has him in the palm of his hands, but I humbly request everyone's prayers for the complete healing of his kidneys! Thank you, dear prayer warriors,"🙏🙏🙏


I cover these petitions with the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ and with Tears of His Most Sorrowful Mother.

St Michael Archangel, Archangel Raphael and all holy angels and archangels, please take these petitions and needs of Alec to Heaven and lay them on the Divine Altar of the Most Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ! Amen.

Thanks ahead for every prayer!

There's great power in unity of our humble prayers!

Peace and Goodness!

With the best regards and gratitude

- Anna Angela Z., OFS


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"Jako więc wybrańcy Boży- święci i umiłowani- obleczcie się w serdeczne miłosierdzie, dobroć, pokorę, cichość, cierpliwość," (Kol 3,12)  

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